Malwine Stauss「HEXEN」

Posted by Tonggallery in Exhibition on 14 4 月, 2023


2023.3.18 – 2023.4.23

Artist: Malwine Stauss

地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区中二街D06 Tong Gallery+Projects

Venue: D06, Middle 2nd St., 798 Art Zone, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, BJ





When she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Leipzig,  Malwine Stauss  made a little book called “Hexen” – German for “witch”. Five girls sat on the cover, their long braids circled behind their heads, like sea snakes swimming meekly in the water.

As a graduation work, this book is not too serious. There are only women in the book, and the brightly colored flowers, dots, geometry and ripples in the picture all exude a feminine atmosphere wantonly. However, compared with the current discussions about feminism or artistic creation, Malwine seems to deliberately stay at the superficial level of so-called “art” – her works are only related to her personal life. The witches on the screen are her family and friends, the bright flowers come from her favorite gardening, and the geometry and polka dots pay tribute to her favorite female artists. That’s what she meant.

There is no doubt that it is easy to be happy in front of Malvern’s sculptures and paintings. This kind of happiness has nothing to do with any doctrine or discussion of any genre, it is just happiness. But people still feel skeptical and uneasy, just as Malwine was constantly questioned by her professors when she was in school: Can such a work be called “art”? However, perhaps we can ask this question in another way: what is the criterion of “art” or not? And who sets these standards? This is the happy little question Malwine invites us to ponder together.



Malwine Stauss

Malwine Stauss 1993年出⽣于德累斯顿,在莱⽐锡教育⽣活和⼯作毕业于莱⽐锡美术学院,书籍艺术和插画系。她的作品融合了⽣活和丰富的想象中的故事、身边朋友的肖像以及发⽣在花园中的事情。陶瓷雕塑和抽象绘画是她喜好的艺术表达⼿法,她的⽔彩画和陶瓷雕塑细腻有⼒,充满梦幻⾊彩。⾃主的⼥性⻆⾊在她的作品中扮演了重要的⻆⾊,讲述了关于年轻⼥性的乐观表现、她们的团结、敏锐的直觉和⼈际联系的故事。她把所有的⼥性都描绘成艺术家,将⼈、⾃然和魔法联系在⼀起。她把⼥巫的形象看作是对⼥性⽓质的各种正⾯和负⾯的映射。

Malwine Stauss born in Dresden, 1993, lives and works in Leipzig . She merges stories, portraits, sculptures and abstractions, her watercolour paintings and ceramic sculptures are delicate and strong.Self-determined female characters play an important role in her work, telling stories of femalerepresentation, solidarity, intuition and human connections. She depicts women as artists as well as the connection between people, nature and magic. She refers to the figure of the witch as a projection for all kinds of positive and negative attributions to femininity.

Studies at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Department of Grafik and Book Art / Illustration, Diploma

worlds we dream“ Malwine Stauss x Sophie Utikal XPINKY Berlin, 2021
HEXEN: Space for Illustration Hamburg (solo exhibition) 2019
Academy Positions POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair Berlin Art Week,2019

HEXEN: published by Rotopol March 2021
The Trip: published by Colorama March 2020

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