
Posted by Tonggallery in Exhibition on 23 6 月, 2023


The Joy of Shipwrecks

2023.4.29 – 2023.6.11


地址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798艺术区中二街D06 Tong Gallery+Projects

Venue: D06, Middle 2nd St., 798 Art Zone, No. 2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, BJ

开放时间:周二至周日 10:30-18:30
Opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10:30-18:30

TongGallery+Projects 荣幸呈现艺术家孟德宇继2021年《Ciao Amor》之后的全新个展《覆舟的喜悦》。展览主题来自意大利现代诗人朱塞培·翁加雷蒂的同名诗作:




此次展览延续了孟德宇于哲学层面上对理性与未知边界的探索。意大利的神话与诗歌对他影响尤深,此次展出的早年创作的九连幅油画,以及今年全新铸造的青铜雕塑组,背后都有诗人但丁《神曲》中关于肉体与灵魂、死亡与重生的探讨。正如孟德宇所言,创作时他痴迷于思考 “预知的危险、失落的情绪、模糊不清的形象与现实相互矛盾”,这种复杂的张力也是他作品中戏剧性与不安之所在。

Shipwreck should have been an unfortunate event. The process of the shipwrecking was terrifying, and the contents of the boat fell into the water one after another. Everything of a person sink to the bottom of the sea in an instant, leaving only one life. But under the pen of Ungaretti, the sailor who has lost everything calls the capsize a “joy”: the journey is about to begin/restart. This subtle change of the mood may be synonymous with Meng Deyu’s creation. In the past two years, he described himself as being constantly pushed and pulled by hope and disappointment: “It’s like a boat floating on a deep water, the kind of happiness of being capsizing and can be reversible at any time.” 

This exhibition continues Meng Deyu’s exploration of the boundary between rationality and the unknown at the philosophical level. Italian mythology and poetry had a particularly deep influence on him. The nine consecutive oil paintings created in the early years and the newly cast bronze sculpture group this year are all behind Dante’s “Divine Comedy”, discussing body and soul, death and rebirth. As Meng Deyu said, he was obsessed with thinking about “predicted dangers, lost emotions, blurred images and the contradiction of realities”. This complex tension is also where the drama and anxiety exist in his works. 




88年⽣⼈,⾃由职业。2009年毕业于北京中央美院附中。2016年毕业于意⼤利佛罗伦 萨美术学院绘画系BISI⼯作室。主要展览经历:Ciao Amore, TongGallery+Projects, 北京 (2021);⾕⾬艺术节,深圳(2021);树美术馆‘繁星计划’ ,北京(2020);’从你到我’当代 艺术展,⻘岛(2020);燕岭园艺术驻地展,东莞 (2020);中国SPA艺术⼤奖⼊围 (2020);北京红⻔画廊驻地展览,北京(2019);杭州宝⻰艺术展览,杭州(2019);蔚蓝 海岸驻地展览,秦皇岛(2019);上海⻘年艺术博览会,上海(2019);⻘衿计划北京 ,北京 (2019);⼤艺之境展览,厦⻔(2019);北京宋洋美术馆个展’途中’,北京(2018);东北表 现性绘画展览,北京(2018);WA.RT 当代艺术总展,佛罗伦萨美帝奇宫,意⼤利佛罗伦萨 (2017)等。 

Meng Deyu (b.1988), graduated from the High School Affiliated to CAFA and received his bachelor’s degree from BISI Studio, Academy of Fine arts of Florence. Exhibitions include: Ciao Amore, Tong Gallery+Projects, Beijing (2021); Guyu Art Show, Shenzhen (2021); Star Projects, Tree Art Museum, Beijing (2020); From you to me Contemporary Art Show, Qingdao (2020); Young Yan Artists Residency Program Exhibition, Dongguan (2020); China SPA Art Award (2020); Read Gate Gallery Residency Show, Bejing (2019); Hangzhou Powerline Art Exhibition, Hangzhou (2019); Seatopia Residency Show, Qing Huangdao (2019); Shanghai Young Art Fair, Shanghai (2019); Elite Young Artists Program, Beijing (2019); The Field of Art Group Exhibition, Xiamen (2019); On the Way, SYArt Gallery, Beijing (2019); Northeast Expressionism Oil Painting Exhibition Tour, Beijing (2018); WA.RT Contemporary Art Exhibition, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence, Italy, etc. 

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